Thursday, December 7, 2006

People Overpaying for Ps3's And How Others Are Getting Them For Free by Don Virden

People Overpaying for Ps3's And How Others Are Getting Them For Free by Don Virden

The launch of the ps3 left many staying up for days waiting in line and may others ready and willing to pay almost $2,000 just to be one of the first to own the system. Ebay itself is seeing record numbers for any video game console. Rumors of a shortage of systems around the world help build up the rumor mill of thousands of households not being able to get their hands on a ps3 until a month or two after the launch.

Since the only way to get a playstation 3 is to either wait in line for hours on end or to be one of the lucky ones who was able to get a pre-order many people are willing to do almost anything to get a ps3 including paying over 3 times the suggested retail price. There is one other way to be able to get a ps3 and will not leave you shivering in the cold or feeling like you are putting a down payment on a car out to get a video game system.

Freebie sites have been growing by the thousands each month and for good reason. If you are one of the lucky ones who live in the U.S. or Canada you can actually get your hands on a ps3 completely free. Freebie sites are simply called incentive sites in which very large advertisers pay to affiliate programs to buy new customers for them. Incentive advertising is not only a benefit for the company who is trying to generate new customers but also for the freebie site members who get to try out top quality products and services.

All a freebie site member has to do is simply sign up at one of these free ps3 sites and complete a required amount of trial offers and then refer others to do the same. After you have completed all of the requirements you will get a free ps3 shipped right to your door which even includes free shipping. The free ps3 freebie sites have been tested and have proven to work for hundreds so far and that number is rising each and everyday.

Some of the trial offers available are from many companies in which most U.S and Canadian people would try anyways so the lucky ones who have learned of these free ps3 sites are now testing out these great products and being able to get a video game console that some are able to sell on ebay for almost $2,000 on last check. Based on information both by free ps3 site users and the site owners themselves it takes anywhere from 5 days to 30 days to complete the requirements to be eligible to get a free ps3.

From the looks of it and how easy the free ps3 sites are it looks like this might end up being some peoples only real way to acquire a playstation 3 without wasting their time in line or denting their bank account. These free ps3 sites have been listed in forbes 500 company lists as well as on the discovery channel as a proven and fun way to get high priced merchandise for either free or very cheap.

The only draw back to getting a free ps3 from a free ps3 site is on some of the trials you may be required to either pay for shipping or a small trial offer fee. From all the information that has been reviewed there are usually well over 100 offers from many top companies for a person to be able to look through and for most sites all they have to do is complete 1 single offer. Offers seem to range in price from either completely free to upwards of $50 but compared to the price people are willing to spend getting their hands on a ps3 the price seems well worth it in the long run.

There is one top rated free ps3 freebie site and it has been listed here FREE PS3 signing up is completely free and takes no more then 5 minutes. Once you sign up all you need to do is complete 1 offer and then tell others about the site yourself. In no time at all you will soon have a brand new sony ps3 on your doorstep which you paid absolutely nothing for.

About the Author

Don Virden - Proud Father and Internet Marketer Get A free ps3 today sign up at


playstation 4

Overcoming problems whe importing from China

Overcoming problems whe importing from China by Alexander Kovanski

Overcoming problems when importing from China

written by Salehoo © Salehoo Limited - All Rights Reserved

The prospect of importing goods from China is both exciting and terrifying for many sellers. On one hand there is huge potential for making money from reselling wholesale goods purchased very cheaply. But on the other hand, language and cultural barriers present a number of difficulties to sellers. The main issue that everyone is worried about is payment: How do I pay? Will my money disappear?, and so on.

The difficulty lies in the fact that most Chinese wholesalers will only accept Western Union and wire transfer payments. These are not secure payment options so they must be treated with caution.

However, the main reason why these are the only payments accepted is that they are in fact the only payment methods available to the Chinese. Getting a credit card in China is an extremely difficult task with a lot of government regulations and strict criteria for getting a card.

So then, despite the risks involved with using Western Union and wire transfer, these are the methods you have to use if you want to import from China with most suppliers. To minimize this risk, our advice is to start with a fairly small shipment of goods so you are not standing to lose too much money if everything falls apart. Then, as trust is established, gradually build up your order over time.

On the whole, most Chinese suppliers are genuine, hard working people who want to establish a long-term relationship with you. They need your business, so it's unlikely they'll try to deliberately screw you over!

Another big issue for sellers importing from China is communication. It can be extremely daunting trying to negotiate complex business issues when communication is so difficult.

To get around this problem, we always ask a new contact for their MSN or ICQ email address and chat to them online. They tend to be very friendly and enjoy talking to people who speak English as a first language (this helps them improve their communication too), plus it gives you a direct point of contact instantly.

With communication now established, you can proceed to ask questions and get them to send you pictures of stock and so on. Once we've built up a relationship, we then ask them to send me a sample order. For any genuine company, this isn't a problem and it allows us to see the quality of the product first hand. We can then be fairly certain that the company is trustworthy, and that this is the product we wish to import.

One thing we haven't talked about so far is quality. This can be another major concern for sellers who often have difficulty telling whether a brand name product is genuine or not.

In our experience, the vast majority of brand-name goods that come from China are either replicas or fakes. We strongly recommend that you assume that this is the case in the first instance. eBay is currently cracking down heavily on people selling fakes and it is not an area of business we suggest you get into!

Generally, we find that Chinese suppliers are best suited for cheap generic goods (they are manufactured there so you won't find cheaper anywhere else!) that can be sold at higher rates in Western countries. For example, some of the latest trends are pocket bikes, scooters and generic electronic goods. These goods do not have to have a brand name in order to sell well and they can be purchased wholesale at very good prices if you are serious about importing from China.

This should give you a heads up if looking at dealing with wholesale suppliers in China! Remember, always keep an open mind, ask questions and do your research!

About the Author

================================================================================================================== Salehoo is one of the fastest growing websites on the internet. It contains a database of wholesale suppliers and manufacturers offering thousands of products to consumers at prices considerably less than retail. Located at visitors are allowed to sign up for unlimited and lifetime ac

Profitable Secrets In Goals And Discipline by Joaquin Reveron

Profitable Secrets In Goals And Discipline by Joaquin Reveron

We got to be true to ourselves when it comes to selling wholesale online. Either if one of your ultimate goals is to sell audio at the cheapest possible price or give wholesale xbox at ridiculous low clearance prices-you have to have discipline and set goals for maximum profitable achievement within your business. Explained below are the two concepts that make eBay power sellers a fortune while still having the privileges of working from the comfort of their home.

Discipline- Many of us know and have confirmed through years of experience with clients and general agenda routines that being proactive, especially with discipline, can accomplish many of the tasks that we currently have faster and easier than not being disciplined at all. Many online marketing prospects are weak in this area. It is so easy to jump from business idea to business idea, thinking the next opportunity will be in fact, the one. But there is no magic bullet.

Starting and running a business- even a wholesale selling tangible business is hard work. But the rewards can be great since many just do not start a mini mall on the Internet believing that is indeed incredible hard work. So I always ask, what in life is not hard work? Discipline yourself to set up your tasks for each day and then follow through.

It has been tested and confirmed for decades, even before the book Think and Grow Rich was published many years ago, that proper handling of discipline ultimately rewards you both in the short term and in the long term timeframe when presented situations or task have been planned and viewed with the correct vision since the beginning. Create a discipline habit and you shall be surprised at what you can accomplish.

Goals- How many times have you probably heard that you have to set goals and then work steadily toward them in order to acquire excellence or achievement? In such expressed way, probably many times, probably a few. But setting goals and having the discipline to work daily on getting things done, like many of us like to say, is in many entrepreneurial minds how you should reach your ultimate goal.

If you do not set yourself daily targets for improving your life in general ways, then time itself will determine what you will accomplish, not you. Time will own you and you should not know what to do many of the time, the minutes, hours and days will tell and move you in your life, not the other way around like it should be. Fact is, you should own time and you should set goals to know where you are being moved in business or life itself.

This is the most important of the elements when it comes to achievement with maximum potential. Reality is, if you watch a TV show, an hour is gone. If you read the newsletter or surf the web, another hour or two are gone. If you happen to have a 4th of July every now and then like I have most of the time, 3 or 4 hours are easily lost during the day. Pretty soon, the entire day will be gone and you ultimately are always the one in charge of determining how your time will be spent. If you are weak in any of the above areas, do whatever it takes to get educational books relating your weakness while still having your strengths as your primary armor for devouring any task or life situation. Successful people are in control of almost every single situation. Not only that, they have a proactive mindset that allows them to follow every single daily routine, yet many feel in charge of their lives and their future without the dependency of any other support, no matter the income or emotional situation that might be encountered in the present for the majority of the situations around the majority of us.

Once you have decided that you want to be disciplined and save thousands by either selling wholesale online or having fun giving away wholesale Xbox games at cheap prices, you most likely can do whatever you desire in life- no matter what other people tell you. Sky is indeed the limit when it comes to setting yourself up for success with the majority of regular people like you and me. It is a mind concept and has been tested among many entrepreneurs and successful people for decades.

About the Author

Selling Wholesale Online is one of the business components Joaquin serves as a coach online. His focus today is on helping people create wealth through acquiring Wholesale Xbox games for resell

Beware: Wholesale Playstation 3 Price Scams by Joaquin Reveron

Beware: Wholesale Playstation 3 Price Scams by Joaquin Reveron

It is impossible to get a brand new and virtually not touched PlayStation 3 at a real wholesale price, despite what many scammers would have you believe- if wholesale is to be consider 50-90% of the current retail value of the first 2 years of life of the item. If you try to get a PlayStation 3 in this way, the best scenario is that you will most likely get it slightly cheaper than the retail price, but with a lot more hassle and worry.

The worst case is that you might not get your PlayStation 3, and some unscrupulous crook will get your money the easy way. Beware of early sign of supposed wholesale for Playstation 3.

Why? The first answer is simple market economics. The reason wholesale prices get to be low is because of the cost of dealing with individual customers. Any company, which is selling to individuals, will have to encounter these higher costs, and so will not be able to offer wholesale prices in the most likely events. The why of that is simple? Yes indeed, the majority of the wholesalers and distributors play the game of bulk, and only a few get to do business in single these days. These are the facts, but such kind of distributors and wholesalers are still available.

The second reason is the shortage of units of the PlayStation 3. Sony manufacturing center in Japan and China have been unable to produce enough units to flood the market at launch. Anybody who does have access to a wholesale PlayStation 3 has a strong incentive to sell on to a retailer, who will be able to get a good price for them. Finally, Sony exerts control over the pricing of the PlayStation 3 in the US market, as things are slightly different in Japan, where retailers are allowed to set their own prices. They have the legal and economic power to ensure that the PlayStation 3 is sold only for the official prices - that is, $499 for the standard version, and $599 for the premium version.

So, what are all these outlets offering the PlayStation 3 at wholesale prices? Mostly, it is just a marketing gimmick. Some of them may really be wholesalers who are trying to break their agreement with Sony and sell the PlayStation 3 direct to customers. If that is the case, they are likely to be in legal trouble fairly soon, and they are not good people to be trusted with your money as you could also be in headaches as a buyer of such possible scam.

Where do you go if you cannot get the PlayStation 3 at wholesale prices? Look for hidden distributors like most eBay power sellers and online powerhouses do. People who devote their time to wholesale businesses spend countless hours searching for such hidden distributors and single unit sales with such sources. Their prices might seem a lot higher than those of the wholesalers, but in fact some will probably be offering bundles that give you good value for your money most of the time.

You will probably be looking to get extra games and controllers anyway, so why not let shops include them in the package for you? That is the way to get your PlayStation 3, not through the wholesale 50-80% discount scam. For people who breathe and live the wholesale tangible sell- at least for now, it would be impossible to find real wholesale Playstation 3 in brand new conditions and definitely in my 7 years of experience online and with my disclaimer point of view that is, importantly.

About the Author

Getting Wholesale Playstation 3 is one of the business components Joaquin discusses for wholesale purchases online. His focus today is on helping people create wealth by Starting A Wholesale Business today

playstation 4

How to Make Money as a Wholesale Distributor by Jorge Olson

How to Make Money as a Wholesale Distributor by Jorge Olson

Wholesale Distribution is truly one of the best businesses in the world and one of the oldest ones. You can manufacture your products, import them or just buy them and sell them. Ether way there is plenty of business out there, it's profitable, it's fun, it's waiting!

Becoming a wholesale distributor is more than just a trend. By taking out the middle man in your profits, you will enable yourself to reap the benefits of all the work you do, instead of paying someone else and seeing only a percentage. However, if you want to be a successful wholesale distributor, you will need to understand how to maximize your profits during each transaction.

First of all, you want to know your product. While you might just want to sell the most expensive and popular item in the market today, realize that you're only going to sell what you actually know. Retailers aren't going to buy a product that you don't seem confident in, nor will they want to buy anything that you aren't able to fully describe and detail for their needs. Confidence is everything when it comes to your business.

Next, you will want to make sure that your supply is legitimate. This is for two reasons. One, if you're not getting a legitimate product you may be breaking copyright laws by reselling it again. And this is legal trouble that you don't want to get into. And two, if you unknowingly sell a false product to a retailer and they then sell it, they can get into legal trouble as well, and then drop you as a potential wholesaler. Along the way, this unhappy retailer will also be telling his/her friends that you are not reliable and you will lose current and potential customers.

In order to protect yourself and your retailers, you want to make sure that you are checking the products that you buy. This requires that you heavily research the suppliers that you buy from, and ask a lot of questions. If the supplier is unwilling to answer your questions, move onto someone else. Any avoidance to answer your questions can be a sign that they may be trying to hide the truth from you - and it's better to avoid doing business with them in the first place than to find out in other ways.

When you're pricing your products, you will want to look at your competitors to see how they are managing costs and profits. Are they marking up significantly or not? By realizing that your customers will be comparing prices as well, you will be able to create a realistic price that falls in line with their expectations. And while you want to make a profit, customers that avoid buying from you because your prices are so high are going to directly affect your profits.

Just like any other business, to make money as a wholesale retailer, you need to research your product as well as your market in order to increase your profits.

About the Author

Jorge Olson is a consultant, speaker and entrepreneur and owns several Wholesale Distribution companies. Visit his Wholesale Teaching website at His latest eBook teaches you step by step how to get started and make money in Wholesale Distribution. You can find it at

The Greatest Reason For Starting A Wholesale Business by Joaquin Reveron

The Greatest Reason For Starting A Wholesale Business by Joaquin Reveron

Did you know that you can start your own wholesale business in as little as one hour and for less than $100 right now? If you did not know such possibility, probability is you were and still are in this case hunted by the belief that online businesses require as much capital and initial investments as the same that of those located offline.

If you have not imagine it yet, one of the primary reasons to start a wholesale business in my sole experience alone is that you can start working from the comfort of your home while still getting to earn substantial income without having to put a feet in the drive way. You can do it all from a studio or from your own home master room like the place I am located right while writing this and still earn very good living selling tangible items online. I do it both online and offline because of the challenge of working and managing people, but most of us do not need to. A one man proprietorship is all that is needed to earn few thousand dollars in commissions or in generated income from single or bulk sales on a weekly and monthly basis.

For starters you do not have to wake-up at 6:00am or even earlier like many of my neighbors and work until death do us part. That is supposed to be for life, but for marriage- not for income and definitely not as a life. If you are one of this guys or business corporate woman waking up early, I was also one of them. Difference with many while I believing that I am not different from everybody else, is that I started working for someone else while still getting to focus my luxury time on a part-time business.

The business of selling on auction sites and selling wholesale items offline at flea markets and every other place that I could gain experience and knowledge from a business I loved, video games and DVDs. I was tired of the $10.00-$30.00/hour income. I felt that I did not have a purpose working for someone else while they get to get richer thanks to my abilities of selling and my abilities of getting the job done. It was not good, however, I had to work offline, sacrifice some chapters of the season of -Lost- and some episodes of Nip Tuck. Boy it was painful. But were the benefits way better than a 401k or a potential social security plan that I was more than secure of such future existence when I get to the age of claiming it. Sure it was way better.

Today you get really rich and really successful financial in numerous ways, both destiny and luck are on many peoples side. But will you count on ball predictions or on winning the lottery next week in a certain 100% way? No way! The greatest way for you to achieve financial freedom before it gets to be too late is by building an online wholesale business.

It is one of the most exciting challenges you could do from scratch and with less than $100 under 1 hour. All you need are the wholesale list contacts. That is sure one of the best ways for man of us. You build mini empires online without having to trump your wallet Real Estate style.
About the Author

Getting a Dvd Wholesale List is one of the business components Joaquin serves as a wholesale coach. His focus today is on helping people create wealth through acquiring Wholesale Dvd Distributors

Product Sourcing Experts Reveal Wholesale Distributors by Jason Collins

Product Sourcing Experts Reveal Wholesale Distributors by Jason Collins

In my few years in the ecommerce world, I have always had trouble finding not just a product that sells well, but a wholesale distributor that will supply me that product. I work from home, and I hear so many people say that they want to start a home business, but I can see that they are misguided before they even start.

Working from home is not that hard to do if you are a determined individual but most people just do not have the right information. They cannot see the big picture because they are staring into a dark world they know nothing about.

Ecommerce seems simple; you post your products and you make a profit. Most people get that part down but what they fail to realize is that you have to be able to source products from a real wholesale distributor to be able to turn a profit. You also have to build a business, complete with websites and marketing strategies for shoppers to even find you.

Operating a website is much like having a brick and mortar store put up in the wilderness. You have to know how to promote it to get people to come shop in it. Marketing an Ecommerce store is a lot different than marketing a physical store. There is no huge shopping mall to raise your business from. This too, is a dark road for most new home business entrepreneurs.

CEO and Founder of Worldwide Brands; Chris Malta, a nationally known Product Sourcing Expert has worked many corporate years in the ecommerce business. The host of eBay Radio's Product Sourcing Show, Chris has been giving home business advice that has raised Entrepreneur Magazine's eye in which they allotted him the authority to head up their E-Biz Radio Show on eBay. Today he is the best selling author of some excellent home business books that have helped fix the problems most home business operations encounter. He has developed a team of product sourcing experts which he shares real wholesale distributor contacts to members of his website.

Even if you decide to sell products in a mall market like eBay you will find that there is so much competition out there that all profits are soaked up trying to compete with each other. Some people try to use search engines to source products to sell online. This always leads to being ripped off by the hundreds of middle men using search engines to target you to sell their products for them.

If you want to know the truth about running an ecommerce business without all the hype about how much money you can make and how easy it is, look into what Chris Malta has to offer you. A home business is a real legal business and you need to have a real business plan to show a good return on investment before you waist not only your time, but your money as well.
About the Author

Jason Collins - Ecommerce Solutions Developer and Home Business Success Strategist

Chris Malta - Worldwide Brands

Product Sourcing